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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
RAM CHANDER balushahi wale 30
wale 30
SS SARDAR JI burfi wale 43
SW shimla wale +horses 14, 17, 20, 24, 28
SW shimla wale +shield 5, 11, 16, 29
shimla wale +horses 10
shimla wale +shield 9, 27
sw shamla wale +horses 8
sw shimla wale +horses 8, 22
sw shimla wale +shield 12
walekar biri +portrait 34
walet 41, 42
walguard +face 2
MANDIR wali dukan 24
BEETEL walk-PHONE +flower 9
JOJO'S walk inn london 42
PAUL gentle walk 25
SICO walk 25
WWC walk with comfort 25
nature walk +wheel 25
soft walk 25
why walk when you can STRYD 25
walker extra strong +man 5
CAPTAIN walker 33
FAMILY walker 28, 42
J-walker 25
KOOGA-walker 25
walking MACHINE 25
walking MACHINES 25
walking fingers & square 16
QALOT the way of walking 25
SKY HAWK walking on sunshin 18
TWIST walking 16
BATA walkmaster 25
ROYAL BEE walkwell +drop 5
wall CLINIC 19
wall FAIR 2
wall MATE 2
wall SHEEN 2
wall cure JAY PEE COLOUR 2
wall finish plaster of pari 19
A wall CAPTAIN +ovals 19
ACC +brick wall 2
AFFIX wall & floor tiles 11, 35
AGSAR NUMBER 1 wall putty 2
ALFA GOLD luster wall tiles 11
ALFA gold luster wall tiles 19
ARROW LUSTER wall tiles 19
ARVANA wall tiles +leaf 11, 19
ASTA DIGITAL wall tiles 19
AULTRA wall care +square 2
B BLUE STONE wall tiles 11
BABA TEX textured wall 2
BELLEZA wall tiles +flowers 16, 37
BELLEZA B wall tiles +flowe 35
BILDAR WHITE wall care 19
BRAZZIA DIGITAL wall tiles 19
C CERATONE wall tiles 19
CASATA wall concept 19
CERA digital wall floor til 19
CRYSTAL SIGNIA wall tiles 19
DECO TOUCH wall putty 35
DELUXE wall care +squares 19
DUROTEX textured wall finis 19
EVEREST wall boards +hut 19
EVEREST wall solutions 19
EVEREST designer wall board 19
EVEREST heavy duty wall +hu 19
EVEREST solid wall panels 19
FIGO wall floor vitrified 16, 29
G GLOSSY wall tiles 35
G GOLD STONE wall tiles 11, 35
GUIDE +brick wall 25
I IDOL LUSTER wall tiles 19
IIC wall fashion +circle 19
INDIAN wall & floor tiles 19
INFRATECH wall putty 2
INNOCEM wall putty +man 19
ITALIAN wall putty +women 19
JAY KAY wall putty 2
JK wall putty +globe 19
JKJ WHITE wall putty 19
JRC +brick wall 19
KBC +wall 16
KRISHNA wall plugs +oval 20
L LEXONA DIGITAL wall tiles 19
L LEXONA digital wall tiles 11
L LIVON wall tiles +square 11, 19
LEO wall hangers 6
LEO LUSTER wall tiles 19
LINEA wall tiles +oval & ar 19
LINGAM wall putty +stripes 2
LOTUS wall care +flower 19
MAGIC ROCK HARD wall putty 35
MAHAL wall putty MARUTI 19
MAHARAJA wall safe putty 19
MAJESTIC wall primer 2
MARBONITE wonder wall +glob 19
MARSHAL GRIP wall plugs 9
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